9 Proven Strategies For Generating More Autotrader Reviews


As a car dealership, having positive Autotrader reviews is crucial to building trust with potential customers and boosting your online presence. More reviews mean a higher rating, which in turn means more visibility and credibility on the platform. In this post, we will outline 9 proven strategies for generating more Autotrader reviews, helping you attract more customers, and growing your business. We will also explain how registering an account with wowreviews.co.uk and using our RateUs review tool will help you achieve your review goals.


1. Provide Exceptional Customer Service


OK, Let’s get the obvious one out of the way first. The most important factor in generating positive reviews is delivering outstanding customer service. Ensure that your customers have a positive experience when they purchase a vehicle from you. This includes everything from the sales process to the after-sales support. Make sure that customers feel valued and appreciated and are happy with their purchase.


2. Make it Easy to Leave a Review


Make sure it’s simple for customers to leave a review on Autotrader. Provide them with a direct link to your Autotrader profile and clear instructions on how to leave a review, alternatively, users of our tool are able to generate a single link that will clearly direct customers straight to your review page with the “write a review box” opening automatically, this saves your customer time and ensures they can always leave a review in seconds, as a side benefit our links also give your customers a choice of other platforms like google, often resulting in multiple reviews.


3. Offer Incentives


Consider offering incentives to customers who leave a review on Autotrader. This could be anything from a discount on their next purchase to a free gift. Alternatively, users of our review tool in the UK can opt-in free of charge to a £2500 prize draw instead. This is paid for and administered by ourselves at no cost to you.

This is already used by garages on our platform to maximise their results. Be in no doubt incentives like this work, we also collect all reviewers names and emails for you in your user dashboard. This enables you to run your own incentives alongside or in place of our prize draw, something which makes administration far easier than going it alone.


4. Respond to All Reviews- Even the screamers.


Be sure to respond to all reviews, both positive and negative. This shows that you are engaged with your customers and are taking their feedback seriously. Responding to negative reviews can also help resolve any issues and turn a negative experience into a positive one. One feature users of our tool can benefit from is our platforms ability to pre-screen your feedback before it goes online, allowing you to direct only happy customers to your chosen review sites, like Autotrader. Negative feedback instead is collected privately, notifying you instantly via email and allowing you to resolve issues before they ever result in a public review.

5. Ask for Reviews at the Right Time


Timing is everything when it comes to asking for reviews. Some say to wait until the customer has had time to fully experience the vehicle and has had any concerns addressed. However, we have found that requesting the review at handover is the best time to get maximum results. Remember the customer is reviewing you more than anything, not the unforeseen issues the car may surprise you with. By the time the handover comes, you should have demonstrated your customer service enough for most people to leave you feedback there and then. The excitement of collecting their new vehicle is your friend, the majority will oblige if you make it easy for them.

A popular option for our dealers is to present customers with a review card or have a QR code sticker linking to our pre-screening platform on the desk ready to make the request seamless.  If you choose the £2500 incentive, you can’t go far wrong! (Users can find these in our online store or can download them FOC in their dashboard)



7. Use Email and Social Media


Utilise email and social media to reach out to customers and ask for a review. You can include a direct link to your Autotrader profile in these messages or for the best results generate a link via our tool and be sure to mention the incentive.


8. Follow Up with Customers


After a customer has purchased a vehicle, reach out to them to ask for feedback and see if they have any concerns. If they are happy with their purchase, kindly ask them to leave a review on Autotrader via your desired link. 

It is likely you are following up with your customers after a few days anyway. This is the perfect time if you missed them at handover to request the review a second time.


9. Continuously Monitor and Improve Your Online Presence


Finally, continuously monitor and improve your online presence. Keep track of your Autotrader reviews and address any negative feedback. Continuously strive to improve your customer service and increase customer satisfaction.




  • How often should I follow up with customers for a review?

If you missed requesting a review at the peak of their engagement (the handover), then the next best time is with your follow-up call or email a few days after purchase. It is an easy conversation to slip in the review request.


  • How should I respond to negative reviews on Autotrader?

Respond to negative reviews in a professional and empathetic manner. Acknowledge the customer’s concerns and offer a solution. Be transparent and show that you are committed to making things right. If you are using our tool then thankfully 9 times out of 10 your negative reviews will be captured privately and you can resolve issues without tarnishing your good name. Any that slip the net will be buried quickly thanks to the vast increase of positive reviews our platform generates.


  • Can incentives really make a difference in getting more reviews?

Yes, incentives can be a great motivator for customers to leave a review. Our users have a choice to opt-in or out of our £2500 prize draw incentive, the few that opt-out see markedly fewer results than those who choose to offer it to their customers.

If you want to run your own, be sure to choose an incentive that is relevant to your customers and will encourage them to leave a review on Autotrader.


In conclusion:

Generating more Autotrader reviews is essential for building trust with potential customers and increasing your online visibility. By following these 9 proven strategies, you can attract more customers, improve your online presence, and grow your business. Remember to continuously monitor and improve your online presence, provide exceptional customer service, and follow up with customers to ask for reviews. Especially if you missed them at handover. With these strategies in mind, you’ll be easily able to get more Autotrader reviews and growing your business.


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Need help? Email our team at info@wowreviews.co.uk, we understand the motor trade deeply & can easily assist you on how best to integrate our system in to your process.