Get More Reviews (11 Proven Steps)


Does this sound familiar? You want to get more reviews from your numerous happy customers. But they generally forget to leave online feedback, or simply don’t bother. Yet suddenly become highly motivated to leave negative feedback when irritated, usually without warning or a chance to resolve the issues?


Well, It’s time to take matters into your own hands if you want to get more reviews. We will even share a clever method to tackle those harmful negative reviews, which usually come without warning.


Online feedback is critical in today’s digital world, as potential customers rely on it to make informed buying decisions, so by following these steps you can make sure you have your best foot forward online.


Quick Summary of How to get more reviews:


  1. Ask for reviews.
  2. Make it easy for customers to leave a review.
  3. Always respond to reviews
  4. Share your reviews on social media to show thanks and show them off.
  5. Share links to your review sites wherever you can.
  6. Add a review call to action to your website.
  7. Partner with influencers
  8. Provide excellent customer service
  9. Sign up for review sites and directories
  10. Use email marketing to your advantage.
  11. Get creative with physical marketing materials and review tools.


Here are the full 11 surefire ways to get more reviews and boost your online reputation in more detail:


  • Just ask! Don’t be shy – send an email or provide a physical note with a friendly request for a review. You can even sweeten the deal by offering a discount or special offer for leaving a review. Make sure to remind customers of the value that your business provides, and how their review can help other potential customers make informed choices – You can download free review collection resources at the bottom of this article, to help you get more reviews with ease.


  • Make it easy for customers to leave a review. Include links to your review profiles on popular sites like Google, Facebook and Yelp, This way, customers can leave a review with just a few clicks. To streamline the process we recommend you try Rate Us, which will allow you to share all of these platforms and more with a single link, making life easy for you and your customers.


  • Respond to all reviews, good or bad. This shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to providing the best possible experience. Plus, responding to negative reviews can turn a disgruntled customer into a satisfied one. Make sure to thank customers for their feedback, and if they had a negative experience, offer to make it right. – As mentioned above, if you use Rate Us then you will also benefit from review pre-screening. This allows you to intercept negative reviews and deal with them privately before they cause harm online.


  • Share the love! If you have a customer who’s particularly happy with your products or services, don’t be afraid to ask if they’d be willing to leave a review. You can do this in person, over the phone, or via email. And don’t forget to thank them for their business and for taking the time to leave a review, Rate Us makes this easy by collecting the names and emails of all reviewers leaving feedback via your link.


  • Utilize social media. Share links to your review profiles on social media and ask your followers to leave a review. You can also share positive reviews and testimonials to show off your satisfied customers. Make sure to use relevant hashtags and tag your business in the post to increase visibility.


  • Add review calls-to-action to your website. Consider adding a banner or pop-up that encourages visitors to leave a review. This can be especially effective if you have a high-converting website. You can also include review calls-to-action in your website’s footer or on your contact page.


  • Partner with influencers. If you have connections with influencers in your industry, consider reaching out and asking for a review or for them to share a review on their social media channels. This can help expose your business to a larger audience and increase credibility. Make sure to research influencers who have a following that aligns with your target audience.


  • Provide excellent customer service. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s worth repeating: the best way to get more reviews is to offer a top-notch customer experience. Make sure to go above and beyond for your customers. Always make it easy for them to contact you with any questions or concerns.


  • Sign up for review sites and directories. There are many review sites and directories out there that are specific to certain industries, such as TripAdvisor for hotels or Zomato for restaurants. By signing up for these sites, you can make it easier for customers to leave a review for your business.


  • Use email marketing to your advantage. Include links to your review profiles in your email signature, and consider sending a review request email to your email list. You can even offer a special offer or discount for customers who leave a review. Make sure to personalize the email and remind customers of the value that your business provides. Sending these one at a time is always advantageous as personalization increases response rate and many auto emailed review requests end up in spam.


  • Get creative with physical marketing materials. Place stickers or decals on your storefront or products that encourage customers to leave a review. You can also include review requests in physical mailers or on your business cards. As mentioned previously we have lots of free resources you can download to make email collection simple, from review card templates to review stickers and strut cards. Check them out here.


By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to accumulating a plethora of glowing testimonials. And remember, to get more reviews, the key is to make it easy for customers to leave feedback and show that you value their comments. 


Good luck, and be sure to check out Rate Us as mentioned in the article if you want to maximize your results and score an easy win over the competition.