Autotrader is one of the most popular online platforms for buying and selling vehicles. It’s no wonder that dealerships everywhere want to take advantage of its reach and establish their presence on this platform. One of the best ways to do this is by generating positive reviews for your dealership on Autotrader. In this article, we’ll go over the ultimate guide to Autotrader review generation strategies, so you can start attracting more customers and improving your online reputation.


Why Are Autotrader Reviews Important for Dealerships?


Autotrader reviews are important for dealerships because they provide potential customers with valuable information about the dealership and the vehicles it sells. Positive reviews can attract more customers and help build trust, while negative reviews can drive customers away and harm the dealership’s reputation. In this section, we’ll explore the importance of Autotrader reviews in greater detail.


Attracting More Customers


One of the main benefits of having positive Autotrader reviews is that they can help attract more customers to your dealership. When potential customers search for vehicles on Autotrader, they’re more likely to click on dealerships with positive reviews, which can result in increased traffic and sales for your dealership.


Building Trust


Positive Autotrader reviews can also help build trust with potential customers. When people see that others have had good experiences with your dealership, they’re more likely to trust you and feel confident about doing business with you. This can lead to more sales and satisfied customers.


Preventing Harm to Your Reputation


Negative Autotrader reviews can have a significant impact on your dealership’s reputation. They can drive potential customers away and harm your business, so it’s important to do everything you can to prevent negative reviews from appearing on Autotrader. By implementing effective Autotrader review generation strategies, you can help ensure that your dealership has a positive online reputation. – our very own review collection tool “Rate Us” is perfect for this. It contains a pre-screening feature. This means that all feedback is vetted before it is shared online.

Positive feedback is directed to your review sites (Autotrader, google etc) while unhappy customers have their feedback collected privately. This allows you to resolve issues before they result in a harmful negative review. Learn more here.


Autotrader Review Generation Strategies


Now that we’ve covered the importance of Autotrader reviews, it’s time to go over the strategies you can use to generate more of them. In this section, we’ll explore several effective strategies that you can start using right away to improve your dealership’s online reputation.


Ask for Reviews


One of the simplest and most effective ways to generate Autotrader reviews is to simply ask for them. When customers are satisfied with their experience at your dealership, ask them to leave a review on Autotrader. You can do this in person, over the phone, or via email. Just make sure you make the process easy and convenient for your customers as no matter how good your service, most are lazy or simply forget.

As mentioned above our review tool can help. Our users can generate a single link which directs customers to all of your review pages. This means they do not need to waste time searching you out online and can choose multiple platforms to review you on. Share the link via text and email, or we can provide review cards and stickers for handover. This approach on the day of collection has paid dividends for many of the dealers already using our tool.


Review Cards – Available in your user dashboard.


Offer Incentives


Another strategy you can use to generate Autotrader reviews is to offer incentives. This can include things like discounts, free services, or other perks. When customers know that they’ll receive something in return for leaving a review, they’re more likely to do so. The issue is this can get expensive. Instead, users of our tool can opt-in for a £2500 prize draw incentive for customers leaving a review. Paid for and administered by ourselves at no cost to your business, it is a proven and cost effective method to maximise reviews.


Respond to Reviews


Responding to Autotrader reviews is another important strategy for generating more of them. When you respond to a review, whether it’s positive or negative, you show that you care about your customers. This can encourage others to leave a review, which can help improve your dealership’s online reputation.





In this section, we’ll answer some of the most commonly asked questions about Autotrader review generation strategies.


Q: Can I ask for negative reviews to be removed from Autotrader?

A: No, you cannot ask for negative reviews to be removed from Autotrader. However, you can respond to the review in a professional and helpful manner, which can show others that you’re committed to customer satisfaction. – If you are using our RateUs tool, thankfully most negative feedback is intercepted before it reaches Autotrader.

Q: How often should I ask for Autotrader reviews?

A: You can ask for Autotrader reviews as often as you like. We believe it is best to ask every customer you have had a positive interaction with. They don’t even need to have purchased a car in every case.




Autotrader reviews are crucial for dealerships looking to attract more customers and improve their online reputation. By implementing effective Autotrader review generation strategies, you can start generating more positive reviews and building trust with potential customers. Whether it’s asking for reviews, offering incentives, or responding to reviews, there are many ways to improve your dealership’s online presence on Autotrader. Use the information in this article, “The Ultimate Guide to Autotrader Review Generation Strategies”, to start making a positive impact on your dealership’s reputation today.


Want the perfect Autotrader review generation strategy?

Try our tool for free, we guarantee results and have numerous garages increasing their review count using our platform.